Monday 24 March 2014

Top Tip: Use it or Lose it!

Learning new vocabulary can be tricky as there's so much to remember! Although you frequently test your knowledge with vocab tests, this isn't enough! 

I often find that I forget new vocabulary unless I use it on a regular basis. My top tip this week is to use your new vocabulary as often as possible so that you don't 'lose it!' I like to use new vocab in conversations or find a way to pop it into something I've written. Using it in a meaningful way helps you to connect more to the language and also for it to stick in your brain!

Try learning these 10 words on the topic of cinema by using them as much as possible this week:

Prévisible = predictable
Émouvant = moving/ touching
Le grand écran = the big screen (cinema)
Lent = slow 
Le/ la protagoniste = the main character
Plein d'action = action-packed
Les effets spéciaux = the special effects
Le scénario = the screenplay 
Les personnages = the characters
La bande sonore = the soundtrack

Hope this helps! Bonne chance!

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